Django Admin on Google App Engine

    Posted by Rogério Carvalho Schneider
    14 Mar 2011

    Django Admin on GAE

    Did you ever wanted to run Django’s Admin interface on Google’s App Engine?
    Now you can and we have made a live sample so you can clone, try and use it.

    Here is what you want to know

    This is running thanks to the projects listed below:

    The real thing, a live sample

    Starting your fresh project

    Here you can find a djangoappengine bootstrap script to start a fresh
    project like this one but with the newest possible versions of all deps. The
    same script was used to create this sample project.

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    Traduzindo com pytranslate diretamente do Google

    Posted by Rogério Carvalho Schneider
    06 Jan 2010

    Resolvi traduzir alguns textos em lote, e para isso utilizei esse módulo chamado pytranslate.

    Ele é um wrapper para o Google Translate e permite que você traduza textos com facilidade. O retorno dele sempre será a sentença completa (frase) traduzida.


    import pytranslate
    print pytranslate.translate('hello', sl='english', tl='portuguese')
    print pytranslate.translate('hello', sl='auto', tl='portuguese')
    print pytranslate.translate('hallo', sl='auto', tl='portuguese')
    print pytranslate.translate('hallo', sl='auto', tl='french')
    print pytranslate.translate('Bonjour', sl='auto', tl='dutch')

    A instalação é simples:

    wget --no-check-certificate -O pytranslate.tar.gz
    tar xzvf pytranslate.tar.gz
    cd stockrt-pytranslate*
    ./ install

    Você pode obter o código do pytranslate aqui

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    Navegando com segurança e sem tarifação em cafés e hotéis

    Posted by Rogério Carvalho Schneider
    20 Sep 2009

    Quando estiver pensando em se hospedar em um hotel, ou utilizar redes de cafés, pergunte primeiro o quanto custa o minuto ou diária de acesso à internet.

    Normalmente o custo é alto. Se este for o caso, opte pela conexão tarifada por minuto, e use o seguinte truque para economizar alguns trocados:

    1. Logue no sistema do hotel normalmente, optanto pela menor tarifa para pouco tempo de utilização;
    2. Execute um dos comandos abaixo, ssh ou putty;
    3. Faça logoff do sistema de tarifação;
    4. Configure seu browser e demais aplicativos para usar proxy SOCKS na porta local escolhida.

    Usando linux

    Se estiver usando linux no seu notebook, você poderá fazer o seguinte:

    ssh -D 9999 user@servidor

    Usando windows

    Se estiver no windows, utilize o putty:

    putty.exe -D 9999 user@servidor

    Nota: Você precisa, claro, ter um “servidor” rodando um sshd e uma conta nele :) Talvez o seu linux que fica rodando no desktop, em casa? Ou aquele servidor da faculdade/trabalho?

    Outra dica é configurar o putty para manter a sessão sempre aberta, com keepalive (Category / Connection / Seconds between keepalives / 5) ou manter a sessão ativa deixando um comando qualquer rodando no shell, que gere tráfego no terminal:

    while true; do date; sleep 5; done

    Depois de criado o proxy dinâmico

    Agora você pode fazer logoff do sistema de internet tarifado e então apontar o firefox, ou qualquer outra aplicação (uma nova sessão de ssh, por exemplo), para o proxy dinâmico local, que agora ouve na porta local 9999.

    Outros posts também descrevem essa técnica.

    Com essas medidas você pode economizar no acesso, além de garantir uma navegação muito mais segura na internet, pois tudo será tunelado e codificado pelo ssh.

    Enjoy the hacking.

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    handling html forms with python mechanize and BeautifulSoup

    Posted by Rogério Carvalho Schneider
    14 Sep 2009

    In the post about emulating a browser in python with mechanize I have showed you how to make some basic tricks in the web with python, but I have not showed how to login a site and how to handle a session, with html forms, links and cookies.

    Here I will show it all for you, let’s see it.

    First, you must install some dependecies:

    easy_install BeautifulSoup
    easy_install html2text

    Then, let the code speak:

    import mechanize
    import cookielib
    from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
    import html2text
    # Browser
    br = mechanize.Browser()
    # Cookie Jar
    cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
    # Browser options
    # Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0
    br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1)
    # User-Agent (this is cheating, ok?)
    br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]
    # The site we will navigate into, handling it's session'')
    # Select the first (index zero) form
    # User credentials
    br.form['Email'] = 'user'
    br.form['Passwd'] = 'password'
    # Login
    # Filter all links to mail messages in the inbox
    all_msg_links = [l for l in br.links(url_regex='\?v=c&th=')]
    # Select the first 3 messages
    for msg_link in all_msg_links[0:3]:
        print msg_link
        # Open each message
        html = br.response().read()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
        # Filter html to only show the message content
        msg = str(soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'msg'})[0])
        # Show raw message content
        print msg
        # Convert html to text, easier to read but can fail if you have intl
        # chars
    #   print html2text.html2text(msg)
        # Go back to the Inbox
    # Logout
    br.follow_link(text='Sign out')

    The basic flow is:

    • Open the site and login;
    • Session is handled by cookiejar, automatically;
    • We list the first 3 mail messages;
    • For each mail message, we open it and read it’s contents;
    • We go back to the Inbox and to the next mail message;
    • All done, we can logoff;
    • The first 3 mail messages will have it’s status changed to “read” if you look at it in the gmail web interface.

    You may ask, how do I know the name of the form fields to fill?

    We can inspect it, before filling:

    # Open the site'')
    # Forms
    for f in br.forms():
        print f

    The output contains the fields to fill in the form:


    And the rest you already know.

    Why gmail? It was only an example. I know we have libgmail , but again, it was only an example, with login forms and a session to handle :)

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    git branch in your shell prompt

    Posted by Rogério Carvalho Schneider
    31 Aug 2009

    Every time (every few minutes?) I was looking at my git versioned projects (all my projects?) I encounter myself in doubt:

    Am I at the branch I think I am?

    And there was I, issuing a “git branch” command to check it…

    That is enough! I said.

    Looking at the github guides I found this tip very interesting, so I decided to bettered it, and to publish as a tip here.

    It will show in your prompt which is your current branch, when your current work directory is a git initialized one.

    To use it, just place this line inside your ~/.bashrc or into /etc/profile.d/ or /etc/bashrc or even /etc/profile, the choice is yours:

    # git branch
    parse_git_branch() {
        git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1) /'

    This will give you a prompt like this one:

    stockrt@jackbauer ~ $ cd Dropbox/stockrt/git/
    (master) stockrt@jackbauer ~/Dropbox/stockrt/git/ $

    Here you can see a “normal” prompt and then, when I enter one of my git versioned directories, a “git branchned” prompt.

    Way cool.

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